Speed Measurement

Monitoring | Transmission | Protection

IRD Mechanalysis Limited as a part of its Condition Monitoring Solutions - offers Solutions for Speed Measurement, Monitoring, Transmission and Protection.

Speed Measurement requires a Toothed Wheel or a Notch on the Rotating Shaft. An Eddy Current Based Non-Contact type Proximity Sensor is used to detect Pulses each time the Toothed Wheel or Notch passes the Sensor Tip. Our Measurement Circuitry counts the number of Pulses in a Second and arrives at the Speed of the Machine in terms of Rotations per Minute (RPM) or Hertz (Hz).

We provide Speed Monitoring in 2 Options:

  1. Monitoring Circuit mounted near the Machine in an IP65 rated enclosure
  2. Monitoring Circuit mounted in a Rack in the Control Room in a protected environment

The monitoring circuitry is also able to perform the following functions:
  1. Provide Instantaneous Speed Display
  2. Provide 4-20 mA Output for integrating with DCS/PLC/SCADA
  3. Provide Relay Contacts for Protection and Annunciation
Speed Display on IRD8800
Speed Display on IRD8800 Series

Feel free to reach out to us to get a techno-commercial proposal for a Speed Monitoring Solution for your Machinery. We shall be happy to help. We are available on call Monday to Saturday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM IST on +91-2248972000 and are just an email away at sales@irdmech.com

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